Terms of service.

1. Introduction

Service Overview: "Welcome to our AI-powered community, facilitated by Mhysha. Our services are designed to assist users with job opportunities, fundraising, mentoring, and networking."

Definition of Terms: "Community Leaders refer to individuals who oversee and manage the community. Community Members can be either Paid or Freemium, with varying levels of access to our services."

Acceptance of Terms: "By using our services, you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions."

2. User Registration and Account Security

Registration Process: "Users must register by providing accurate, complete personal information as prompted by the registration form."

Data Usage: "Personal information collected will be used to personalize and improve your experience, as outlined in our Privacy Policy."

Account Security: "Users are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of their account information and for all activities under their account. Sharing OTPs and passwords will be a breach of the provisions."

3. Usage of the Service

Service Description: "Mhysha offers job assistance, fundraising support, mentoring, and opportunities to connect with others based on common interests."

Appropriate Use: "Users must not misuse the services or engage in illegal activities."

Prohibited Activities: "Spreading hate speech, engaging in harassment, or conducting fraudulent activities are strictly prohibited."

4. Payment Terms (for Community Leaders & Paid Community Members)

Subscription Fees: "Fees for paid subscriptions are as per the current plan and, billed on a monthly or annual basis."

Refund Policy: "Subscriptions can be canceled within 3 days for a full refund."

Fee Changes: "We reserve the right to change subscription fees, with adequate prior notice."

5. User-Generated Content and Interactions

Content Guidelines: "Content created by users should not infringe on others’ rights or be offensive."

User Interactions: "We encourage positive interactions; however, we are not responsible for disputes between users."

Event Authenticity Disclaimer: "We do not guarantee the authenticity of events organized by users."

6. Limitation of Liability

Service Role Disclaimer: "Mhysha acts as a facilitator for community interaction and is not responsible for individual user actions."

Liability Limitation: "Our liability is limited to the maximum extent permitted by law."

7. Disclaimers and No Warranties

Information Accuracy: "While we strive for accuracy, we do not guarantee the reliability of information provided through our service."

No Guarantee on Outcomes: "We make no guarantees regarding the outcomes of job placements, fundraising efforts, or mentoring sessions."

8. External Links and Payments

External Links: "We are not responsible for the content of external sites linked through our service."

Payment Advisory: "Users are advised to exercise caution when making payments or clicking on links provided by other users."

9. Modification of Terms

Right to Modify: "We reserve the right to modify these terms at any time."

Change Notification: "Users will be notified of significant changes to the terms."

10. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution

Jurisdiction: "These terms are governed by the laws of [insert jurisdiction]."

Dispute Resolution: "Any disputes arising from these terms will be resolved through arbitration in Goa, India."

11. Contact Information

Support Queries: "For support or inquiries, please contact us at support@mhymatch.com."

12. Acceptance of Terms

Acknowledgment: "By using our services, users acknowledge they have read and agreed to these terms."