Privacy policy.

1. Introduction

Purpose: "This Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, use, store, and disclose information provided by users of our AI-powered community, operated by Mhysha."

2. Information Collection

User-Provided Information: "We collect information that users provide during registration, including name, contact details, and other personal information."

Automated Data Collection: "Our service may automatically collect usage data, such as interaction with our services and user preferences."

3. Use of Information

Service Provision: "Collected information is used to personalize user experience, provide job assistance, facilitate fundraising, and enable networking."

Communication: "We may use your information to send updates, service-related notifications, and promotional messages."

4. Sharing of Information

With Third Parties: "We may share information with trusted third parties for service improvement, analytics, and marketing, subject to confidentiality agreements."

Legal Compliance: "Information may be disclosed if required by law or to protect our rights and comply with legal proceedings."

5. Data Security

Security Measures: "We implement reasonable security measures to protect user data from unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure, or destruction."

Data Breach Notification: "In the unlikely event of a data breach, we will take appropriate steps to mitigate harm and notify affected users."

6. User Rights and Choices

Access and Correction: "Users can access, update, or correct their personal information through their account settings."

Opt-Out Options: "Users may opt out of promotional communications or deactivate their account."

7. Data Retention

Retention Period: "We retain personal information as long as necessary for providing our services and as required by law."

Deletion of Information: "Upon request, we will delete or anonymize your personal information, except where retention is legally required."

8. Cookies and Tracking Technologies

Use of Cookies: "Our service may use cookies and similar technologies to enhance user experience and gather usage data."

Control of Cookies: "Users can control the use of cookies through their browser settings."

9. Changes to the Privacy Policy

Policy Updates: "We reserve the right to update this privacy policy at any time."

Notification of Changes: "We will notify users of significant changes through our service or via email."

10. Contact Information

Queries and Complaints: "For any questions or concerns regarding this policy, please contact us at"

11. Governing Law

Jurisdiction: "This policy is governed by the laws of Goa, India."

12. Use of Your Data

We prioritize transparency in how we handle your data. Detailed information about the collection, use, and access to your data is readily available on our website under the Privacy Policy section. This policy outlines our commitment to keeping you fully informed about your data and our practices.

13. Purpose of Data Collection

The information we collect from you is primarily used to facilitate accurate matchmaking between your preferences and our diverse range of WhatsApp groups. By understanding key aspects such as your interests, professional background, educational history, and location preferences, we tailor our suggestions to ensure they resonate with your specific needs and interests.

14. Data Minimization Commitment

In our endeavor to provide you with relevant and meaningful connections, we adhere strictly to the principle of data minimization. This means we only collect essential information required for the effective functioning of our matching engine. Our approach ensures that while we gather enough data to understand your preferences and provide quality matches, we avoid collecting excessive information that is not directly relevant to the matchmaking process.

15. User Control and Privacy

Your privacy is paramount, and you have significant control over the information you provide. We encourage you to manage the details shared in your profile judiciously, balancing your privacy concerns with the need for a detailed enough profile to ensure effective matching. We recommend reviewing and updating your preferences periodically to enhance your experience while retaining control over your personal data.

We invite you to review our Privacy Policy on our website for a comprehensive understanding of our data use practices. It is our commitment to uphold the highest standards of data privacy and to ensure that your information is handled with the utmost care and respect.

16. Consent

Acceptance of Policy: "By using our services, users consent to the collection, use, and sharing of their information as described in this policy."